Acoustic Aum (OM)- ॐ| Unknown Facts| Surprising Truths

The Sanskrit word "Aum" is much more than a word..!
I came across such surprising and mind-blowing facts that makes me write.

As the Mandukya Upanishad quotes:

Meaning: Aum presents the four states of consciousness i.e: 
  1. Jagrat: The waking state
  2. Svapna: The dreaming mind
  3. Susupti:The deep sleep
  4. Turiya: Pure consciousness
It says that Aum is Brahman, which is the whole and Brahman is the "Atman"(We just made it a caste! LOL)

So now that we know a little about what the Upanishads say let us dive in the peaceful world of knowledge that Aum brings to us...

1. The science in its Pronunciation

OM CHANTING for DEEP MEDITATION | awaken higher self

We've all heard Aum in most of our mantras, haven't we?
So those mantras are not the mere drama as presented by most of the pujaris to us. We've lost half our faith in Hinduism after watching "OMG!''. 
This is not where Hinduism started rather we turned it to a mess. 

So the next time you think of Aum be proud of yourself that you know the background😎

To understand the science of Aum, I suggest referring to the concept of resonance. All of us studied in class 10th that resonance is a condition when two objects vibrate with the same frequency. The word Aum, when chanted correctly, vibrates at the frequency of 432 Hz, which is the same vibrating frequency found throughout everything in nature.
Hence Resonance!! This is what connects us to the nature surrounding us.

We get the same vibrations, we feel the rest of the world without actually feeling it!
Aise hoti hai meditation!

Makes us understand spirituality which is not that BORING anymore, right? Because connection with nature is spirituality. 

2.Bye-bye Stress
You have been chanting it wrong: It's AUM, not OM - Times of India
Those post workout stretches are just so satisfying when those initial squats are killing you( Urghh...They are painful)

Aum is to the mind if stretching is to the body. Just like your body feels better after stretching out, your mind feels relaxed and serene after a session of Aum meditation. Vibrations, remember?

Aum vibrates across the body relaxing your stressed out life in a matter of minutes. Now you know how those massage machines work these days and take away the money you would have rather saved and never regretted. Comparing aum with the same, IT'S FREE and beneficial as hell!!!

3. Fear presenting your voice yet? Skill up with aum
Overcome Stage Fright - kMITRA

Most of us are already relating to some incident that made us conscious about our voice and presentation on stage. I , usually went on to choose my closest friend to irritate her practicing my speech for more than 10 times in a row, so that I am not nervous.
 People are often conscious about their tone, diction and clarity while they speak. It never helps,but puts you in a situation where you forget the rest of your speech and end up saying "THANK YOU". 

But how do I relate this to Aum?

Those vibrations which make you feel the sound in your throat and clear your sinuses overtime will make you confident, because it makes your voice better and helps you maintain your tone.(So you don't freak out!)

You will eventually experience that your voice is finally friends with you and stage isn't that scary anymore.

"Om chanting actually improves your voice by giving strength to your vocal cords and the muscles around it. This is very helpful during old age.

Go chant Aaaaaaa-uuuuuuu-mmmmmmm 

4. Positivity! Positivity! Positivity!
Sleep Better Through the Power of Positivity – ORA Horizon

Had a bad day?
Burnt your breakfast?
Got scolded?
Lost an opportunity?
Your favourite shoes went out of stock?

Say aaaaaaaaaa-uuuuuuuuu-mmmmmmmmmm

Repeat 7x

Not only will it relax you but that resonance makes positive vibes flow around. I even try it in the dark(Nyctophobic duh!) That creepiness of the dark lonely room, slowly moves away and makes me feel better, honestly, it works!
Fear of Darkness: What Phobia is it? | THE DARK EARTH:

Even this has an explanation..

The sound of Aum lowers your blood pressure so the moment your heart starts beating faster, aum lowers down your blood pressure and makes you calm and composed.

And positivity is a bonus for sure, slaughters all the negative energies dancing around you.

5. Healthy body, Healthy mind
People advise you to chant aum for meditation, right?
Which means aum has a pacifying effect on the mind....But what about the body?

Aum can even help cleanse your skin. Heard of detoxification?

Yep! True.
Also,the massive levels of internal positive energy and a cleansed, pure aura that come from chanting aum on a regular basis will be noticed on your glowing face by your friends and they'll end up asking,"What brings that glow?"

Talking of the rest of your body...

Your spinal cord is strengthened through the vibrations caused by sound of Aaaa. As this sound is generated from abdomen, it helps to strengthen the supporting muscles of the spinal cord. Similar to planks but comparatively easier!

The sound uuu is created by vocal cords which benefit the thyroid glands and the throat.

And if you're a specky one, this one's for you......

If you’re looking at the spiritual eye while chanting, your eyesight will start improving. 
Sorry glasses!

Go chant  Aaaaaaaaa-uuuuuu-mmmmmmm

And let wonders happen to you

Thanks for reading!

Stay Happy! Stay proud! You're a Hindustani!


  1. This was soooo interesting!!! Just loved it! Keep up the good work.

  2. Amazing blog!!. Thanks for sharing such wonderful facts about our culture and connecting us to our roots. Everytime I chanted OM it made me proud to be an Indian. Keep it up girl. You doing great .

  3. ��

  4. Good research. Nicely written. I like it.


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